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The Mud Run has become a Dutton Fun Day favorite. Contestants compete at driving their raved-up and jacked-up vehicles through the muddy bog as viewers cheer them on. The mud pit is hard to miss as you drive into Dutton; its’ located behind The Café Dutton off of Main Street .  The Mud Run festivities will commence at 12:30 p.m. Come and cheer on your favorite vehicle and driver!

The car and bike show will take place on the lawn in front of the American Legion. Registration will begin at 12:30 . The 100’ shootout will start at 1:00 and a burnout competition at 5:00 (if time allows). Trophy awards will be at 6:00 . Judging for the car and bike show will be at 4:30 . Trophies will be awarded fore the coolest bike, coolest GM, coolest MoPar, coolest Ford, coolest paint, coolest muscle car, and best -of-show. A Dutton cruise will complete the car show at 6:00 .

If you have questions regarding the car show or Mud Run, please contract Lanny Christman (476-3260) or Pete Klein (868-2485).  Registration forms are available from this site and may be e-mailed to Lanny at ljchrist@mt.net.



Putroom!    Rrrrrrr!

Rrroooomm!    Rum rum...rrooom!